Human Growth Hormone (HGH or GH) has been a subject of debate since I was a kid.Natural (endogenous) HGH is produced by the pituitary gland. Children produce 2 i.u.”spurts” 4-7 times per day for 4-5 non-consecutive days during a 2-3 week period (during growth spurts). That would equal 32-70 i.u. in only a 4-5 day span. A healthy adult’s pituitary releases only 0.5-1.5 i.u. daily.
HGH History
Until the mid 1980’s, the only available form of exogenous (occurring outside the body) human growth hormone was manufactured by taking the pituitary glands of dead corpses (like there area lot of “live” corpses running around?) and grinding them up. (I am not joking!). The HGH was then extracted and purified through a series of expensive procedures, packed and sold by prescription only for use by children suffering from stunted growth. About 1987,this form of HGH was linked to a fatal brain disease called CREUTZFELD-JAKOBDISEASE, and removed from the market.
Enter Genetech and synthetic HGH. The first synthetic HGH was produced bygenetically altering transformed mouse cells /Ecoli. Natural HGH has a 191 amino acid sequence where as the Protropin brand of GH produced by Genetech contains 192 amino acids in its sequence. This may have the affect of causing the body to produce GH antibodies which deactivate the HGH. Most synthetics now contain the normal 191 amino acid sequence, of which there are over a dozen available today.
How HGH Works
Human growth hormone has 3 effects any athlete desires: GH helps the body burn more adipose (fat)tissue by promoting the release of fatty acids to be used as energy. Normally at rest, the ody uses about an equal division of fat and carbohydrate calories. When the endocrine system senses a low circulatory level of glucose, the hypothalamus-pituitary-axis (HPA)reacts by releasing GH. The GH then triggers (through a series of enzymic/chemicalreactions) the release of fatty acids from adipose stores so metabolic energy requirements can be met. This means exogenous GH administration has been well documented to do the same.
Athletes and Bodybuilders
GH has a very potent anabolic (protein synthesis/tissue building) effect. Inexerting anabolic effects, it can cause both hyperplasia (an increase in the number of muscle cells) and muscular hypertrophy (the enlargement of muscle cells). This change in cell number is permanent and therefore means more cells to make bigger. GH also has an anabolic effect on soft tissues such as tendons, cartilage, and other connective tissue. This means old injuries repair and strength increases due to stronger connective tissue… both at an accelerated rate. It is a well known fact that GH is a powerful anti-catabolic agent(protein sparing). This effect has allowed modern bodybuilders to retain or even add significant lean mass tissue during calorie restricted periods (cutting phases) and become the shredded monsters of the new era.
When using human growth hormone many athletes were less than satisfied with their results. Mostlikely this was because they bought bogus GH. It was common to find GH for a pro bodybuilder cost about $35,000 or more, yearly. To test GH, most simply bought a pregnancy test kit, mix a vial of (hopefully) GH and place a drop or two in the test area.If the test result was “pregnant”..they had been screwed. Most pregnancy test kits test for elevated gonadoltropins (which HCG is and GH is not). For those few, whose bodies manufactured GH anti-bodies (and GH failed to work for you) sorry about your luck. GH,used properly, has overwhelmingly been renowned as a genetic equalizer if used for that purpose.
Any polled athlete chose to use GH as a performance enhancing drug should have first understand at least the basics of its actions.
Human growth hormone itself is not responsible for the majority of the effects seen from GH use. Actually GH is only a precursor to the so-called “good stuff”. When GH passes through the liver, it is converted into INSULIN-LIKE GROWTH FACTORS (such as IGF-1).IGF-1 is a very active but unstable chemical, which is why the body waits until the last second to make it naturally.
The liver has a limited capacity to convert excess GH into IGF-1 unless other chemical hormone levels are also elevated. Insulin, T-4/T-3 thyroid hormones, gonadotropins, androgens/anabolic hormones, and even estrogen and corticosteroids all play an important role in the positive effects of human growth hormone. So they too were often exogenously elevated in what was considered “the correct ratios” by the largest of the self administering athletes. For the liver to convert high levels of GH to IGF-1 several times a day and cause a high quality anabolic response, it was commonly noted that T-3 thyroid hormone and insulin also needed be increased to accomplish the desired effect.
Triacana may be strong enough to increase thyroid activity, but Cytomel was considered to be a better choice. Though some seemed to disagree, most emphatically believed that a fast-acting insulin such as HUMULIN-R. Or Humalog was a better and safer choice of exogenous insulin since they allowed better timing and have a much shorter effective period. While allowing athletes to time insulin activity with the active period of human growth hormone at the optimum absorption times such as upon waking and the first few hours after a workout.
The result was less chance of fat accumulation and a heightened anabolic response.Since human growth hormone suppresses natural T-3 thyroid hormone release, the exogenous administration of Triacana or Cytomel allowed for an elevated calorie intake that was utilized more forbuilding muscle and soft tissue than for adipose tissue storage. Many pro bodybuilders used Clenbuterol and/or ephedrine stacks with GH while dieting. Since Clenbutero land Ephedrine both suppress natural insulin release, they usually stacked the GH and Clenbuterol /Ephedrine with a synthetic T-3 thyroid hormone and sometimes with insulin as well. While use of insulin was dependent upon whether it was a bulking phase or dieting phase. Also depending on how their body responded to exogenous insulin use.
Black Market Anaboics
*I can not stress enough how dangerous insulin use can be. Comas and death are quite possible if used wrong. If you wish to use it, please see a doctor for monitoring. AAS and/or Clenbuterol further enhance the anabolic effects of GH. From all but a few polled it was reported that excellent muscle mass gains. Resulting with the use of GH when other chosen hormone levels were also met. (*also see “cycles”) and one could afford it. Also, beware of fake GH. It is more common than you may realize. Furthermore, an illegal drug and the black market is not always honest.